the last two weeks

3 min readDec 28, 2020


Two weeks passed. Searching out these things definitely was running in my backend all the time. I thought about the format, and many unproductive thoughts passed my mind, and I still had no idea. I’ll just list these things here so whichever comes to my mind first.

Item 1. Ancient Minerals Magnesium Bath Flakes

Putting a lot of things into the bathtub is better than putting a lot of things into the plate. Not everyone gets real benefits from the smells of those essential oils, but Magnesium helps everyone relax. During the quarantine, we fight harder to get a good sleep. And this works for me.

Item 2. Pukka Cacao Maca Majesty Latte

With a little sugar here, it tastes great. I have to say that they know how to name their products, so intriguing. When I came across this product in the grocery store, I was confused. Took me a while to confirm that ‘schoko maca zauber’ couldn’t change the fact that this is a latte powder. They carefully use ‘cacao’ instead of ‘cocoa’, this is thoughtful because some people do care about that. This herbal drink also has calming effects.

Item 3. A playlist that I made for myself

Yayy playlist

This playlist is supposed to be happy, upbeat, and danceable, but if certain songs make you sad, please feel free to let me know. After making this playlist, I realized that many of my hearted songs feel like a teenage girl.

Item 4. Calligraphy: 始平公造像记 by Hong Yi

My calligraphy teacher asked me to learn 龙门石窟, and he said this piece is the best one of all, and people like Wang Xizhi learned from it. So I learned this piece in college, but I didn’t really understand it. This doesn’t happen to me that much, so I remember this one.

After seeing Hong Yi’s version, it occurs to me that my teacher didn’t know how to learn from 龙门石窟, and this person Hong Yi did. If you want to learn directly from something 1000+ years old, you need something between you and that old old thing, or else, it will just be a waste of time.

始平公造像记 1 by 弘一法师
始平公造像记 2 by 弘一法师

Item 5. TV shows: Keeping Up With the Kardashians

I just watched two episodes today. Seeing how they talk, think, and behave is as refreshing as reading Buddhist classics. What can I say? How could I ask for more? I learned this TV show from a short video in which a New York kid said NYC is better than SF because we don’t have Kardashians family here. That was a fun video, and it got me to know the Kardashians.

Most good TV shows need you to watch them at least for a while to build up whatever tension they have. I recently have no mental space for that. Now I am still in Seinfield season 2, not its best season yet, this is why I mentioned Kardashians instead of Seinfield here.

Thank you for reading! Have a good day.



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